Can I travel during pregnancy?
Unless you have been identified with any complications, it is perfectly safe to travel during pregnancy. Most women find the second trimester the most ideal time to travel as you are done with the morning sickness of the first trimester and won’t get as easily tired as one does in their third trimester. Indian airline carriers allow women to travel up to 32 weeks of their pregnancy.
What should my diet be once I am pregnant?
A pregnant woman needs more folic acid, calcium, iron & protein than a non-pregnant woman. Hence pre-natal vitamins, which contain an ideal amount is prescribed to every expecting woman. Leafy vegetables, whole grains, dairy products, fruits and lean meats should make up 80 % of the diet. There can be cravings for salty and sugary food in pregnancy but one should try to eat as healthily as possible to avoid gaining excess weight.
How do I know I’m suffering from Placenta Previa?
Placenta previa is a sudden onset of painless, recurrent bleeding which is apparently causeless. In 5% of the cases, it occurs during labour especially for first time moms. In 1/3rd of the cases, there are ‘warning’ hemorrhages that hint towards placenta previa.
How does pre-eclampsia affect pregnancy?
Pre-eclampsia is the sudden development of high blood pressure (up to 140/90 mmHg) with or without protein in the urine, after 20th week of your pregnancy. It is a serious complication that leads to a difficult pregnancy, eventually leading to induction labor ahead of the due date.

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